Tuesday 27 March 2012

Cumbrian Commotion Completed

3hrs 50 minutes of Hill Running, Mountain Biking, More Hill Running, Kayaking, More Hill Running and finally a couple of challenges to finish the day off.

Although the hot weather proved a bit of a hindrance we managed to complete the event in a respectable time (thanks to some pushing from Mark) and didn’t tip the Kayak – I have officially decided that Kayaking is not a hobby I will be taking up, but I do make a good passenger. The winners must have cheated as they made it in 2hrs 15 minutes, the last team home was a little over 6 hours…

We’ll be looking to beat the time next year if anyone fancies the challenge!!

Thank again for your support, our madness made another £1000 for Willow Burn, so quiet happy about that.

I am now going to attempt the Coniston 14 next Saturday, because I haven’t ran enough last weekend…


Wednesday 14 March 2012

Another year another Challenge

Thought it time to repost to the Running Man Blog. The next challenge is less than 2 weeks away. A team of 3 from Elddis: myself, Richard and Mark, are competing in the Cumbrian Commotion in the Lakes on 24th March. It is what can best be described as an extreme triathlon!!!

Thought I should do some serious training this weekend, so with the help of Andy Heppell and John Million did a 22 mile bike ride, (the longest I have done since at school), then jumped off and did a 5.5 mile run. Seemed a good idea, and after a £30 bill at the Chiropractor to put my back straight, I only feel slightly crippled now.

As always we are raising funds for Willow Burn, I appreciate that many of you have already been very supportive, but if you can help in any way it is appreciated. The link to the Just Giving Page is http://www.justgiving.com/OffRoadTruckers

Will keep you updated over the next couple of weeks.
